Sector Restructuring Ceaf File - special assistance component pharmaceutical 20th Health Management


  • Karine Silvana de Souza Coutinho 20ª Gerência Regional de Saúde


Archival, Document Management, Experience Report


The document management in the health sector needs more than ever to advance in leaps and bounds to meet the document output demands on paper, necessary for the progress of technical and administrative activities of the state. Archival specifically address concepts, systems, methods and techniques that embody the Archival goals: organize and give access to the documents contents. Even with so much technology in health information systems require the archival processing of information for the paper documents also receive the appropriate treatment to the specific needs of each information system. Using the methodologies of observation trial for File Restructuring Experience Report Sector of the Specialized Program for Pharmaceutical Assistance - CEAF. The goal is to demonstrate the benefits of archival practices when the document flow is subjected to the treatment of information. It is possible the establishment of document management flow in SES from work together to Sector Files. In this case, refers to the Pharmacy sector of the 20th Regional Health Management.


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Author Biography

Karine Silvana de Souza Coutinho, 20ª Gerência Regional de Saúde

Técnica Administrativa da 20ª Gerência Regional de Saúde
Graduada em Letras Secretariado Executivo pela UNISUL


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How to Cite

Coutinho, K. S. de S. (2015). Sector Restructuring Ceaf File - special assistance component pharmaceutical 20th Health Management. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 25(50), 150–171. Retrieved from


