About the Journal

The journal Ágora: Arquivologia em Debate is an open-access journal, dedicated to the publication of articles, experience reports, and reviews around Archivology Science, in a continuous flow, with a semi-annual closing of the editions. Its scope covers the management of archives, digital archives, information technology applied to archives, professional practice, information science applied to archives, data science applied to archives, archival information, documentary and archival heritage, conservation and restoration of documents, paleography, diplomacy, history, and sociology at the interface of archives, trends, and perspectives in the area.


The first issue of the Revista Ágora: Arquivologia em debate was published in 1985, as an initiative of the Association of Friends of the Public Archive of the State of Santa Catarina. The Department of Information Science at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina assumed responsibility for the editorial process and publication of the journal in digital format in 2011.


The Revista Ágora, from 2021, publishes in a continuous flow, with a biannual closing of the editions on January 1st and July 1st.

ÁGORA journal indexing

ÁGORA journal publishing system

Open Journal System (OJS), version 3.1.

Technical responsibility: Lepidus Tecnologia (Diego Abadan abadan@gmail.com)

Archiving: LOCKSS system and In clouds.

We adopt the policy of licensing your content by the policy of Creative Commons under the license:  Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional

Qualis Reference - CAPES Brazil

List of indicators according to Qualis - CAPES (The base year 2013 and 2016)


Research ethics

The journal adopts the ethical principles of scientific publication throughout the editing process. Likewise, authors are expected to comply with ethical conduct, noting:

1) Research involving human beings, must present the 'Authorization of the Ethics Committee for the Development of Research' in a supplementary file;

2) Being honest in describing the research regarding typology, sampling, collection, and technical procedures performed;

3) Do not allow authorship of anyone who has not effectively participated in the work;

4) Do not plagiarize, that is, do not make use of excerpts, phrases, expressions, and other data belonging to the previous publication without citing and referencing the source.

5) If, after publication, there is a significant error regarding quantitative or qualitative data, notify the editor so that the document can be retracted or corrected.

Reporting Plagiarism and Misconduct

The ÁGORA: Arquivologia em debate follows the guidelines of the Committee on Publication Ethics: COPE.

If you have identified texts with plagiarism or ethical and scientific misconduct, send an email to: revista.agora@contato.ufsc.br, indicating which material or author is the subject of the complaint.

The rate for submission and publication of texts / Rate for submission and publication of texts

The Ágora: Arquivologia em debate doesn’t charge any fee for published texts, nor for those submitted for evaluation, review, publication, distribution, or download.

The publication is completely free.

Open Access Policy

This journal offers free and immediate access to its content. Licensing your content by policy: Creative Commons Atribuição-NãoComercial 4.0 Internacional.