Instrumental role of archives and professional qualities of the archivist


  • Heloísa Liberalli Belloto Universidade de São Paulo


Arquivo, Instrumentos de arquivos, Ética


Reports two conferences, meeting the students at the Seventh Congress of Archival Mercosur held in Viña del Mar, Chile, November 23, 2007 on the ethical responsibilities and citizens in shaping the archivist; Roundtable social role, instrumental and Seminar in political files file Memory. Cultural Foundation of Santos. Santos, SP, August 28, 2009. Files are instruments, tools, citizenship, law, historiography, administrative actions, technical, scientific evidence because they are foundational in the efficiency of public and private administration. Archives are essential tools for managing public / private, since they integrate the mechanisms of decision and action and, accordingly, should take place both in public policies and business strategies in the knowledge praxis.


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Author Biography

Heloísa Liberalli Belloto, Universidade de São Paulo

Professora na área de Arquivologia.


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How to Cite

Belloto, H. L. (2012). Instrumental role of archives and professional qualities of the archivist. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 22(44), 5–18. Retrieved from


