
  • Roberto Lopes dos Santos Júnior IBICT Universidade Federal Fluminense


Archival Science, Russia, Post Communism


Historical analysis identifying the main characteristics about the Russian Archival Science in the early years of the country's transition to capitalism. The period analyzed was between the second half of 1991, with the dissolution of the USSR, to 1994, with the consolidation of legislation and measures that ensured the constitution of the area in the country. It was studied the reorganization of Russian archival science between 1991-4, identifying the main bodies, laws and regulations produced at this time, and the problems suffered by the area in consequence of the rise of a capitalist reality in the country. Later, it was identified the potential and problems of the relationship between the Russian Archival Science with other research areas in Archives outside Russia. The research methodology was based on literature review of secondary sources. The study verify that, despite some problems and instabilities, the Archival Science in Russia, both internally and in joint projects with other countries,  managed to create a Russian identity to the field, turned away from some features and defects suffered by the area in the former USSR.


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Author Biography

Roberto Lopes dos Santos Júnior, IBICT Universidade Federal Fluminense

Doutorando em Ciência da Informação pelo convênio IBICT / UFRJ. Mestre em Ciência da Informação pelo convênio UFF / IBICT. Rio de Janeiro


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How to Cite

Santos Júnior, R. L. dos. (2013). AFTER PERESTROIKA: HISTORICAL ANALYSIS ABOUT THE ARCHIVAL SCIENCE IN RUSSIA AFTER THE COMMUNISM (1991-1994). ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 23(46), 85–107. Retrieved from


