The document and its institutional assemblages: the construction of the Prudente de Moraes’ house as institutional heritage


  • Maira Cristina Grigoleto
  • Eduardo Ismael Murguia


Document, Heritage Documentation, Information, Heritage


This is a study inserted in heritage field, which basis is the analysis of relation between recorded information and the constitution of institutional heritage. With the purpose of spreading the understanding of this area of knowledge, we will analyze the processes of listed building of Prudente de Moraes’ house, elaborated by preservationist bodies: National Historic and Artistic Heritage Institute, Council for the Protection of Historical, Artistic, Archaeological and Tourist Heritage, and Council for the Protection of Cultural Heritage of Piracicaba. The aim of this comparative analysis is to evidence in which way the document is comprehended as a space of shapes, of power and the materialization of values, which determines the heritage itself, not the contrary, as generally it is thought. We conclude, thus, more important than becoming a good in heritage is the construction of legal basis registered in documents that emerge as manifestation of values and institutional assemblages.


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Author Biography

Maira Cristina Grigoleto

Doutora em Ciência da Informação pela Unesp/Campus de Marília.


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How to Cite

Grigoleto, M. C., & Murguia, E. I. (2013). The document and its institutional assemblages: the construction of the Prudente de Moraes’ house as institutional heritage. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 23(47), 5–34. Retrieved from


