Supervised Training in Current and Semi-Current Records at the Company SERCONFIS Accounting Advice S/S: Proposed Internal Politics Manual


  • Renata Ventura Curso de Graduação em Arquivologia - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


Current Records, Semicurrent records, SECONFIS Accounting Department, Manual Internal Policy, UFSC – Science Archives Supervised Training I


Presents the activities developed during the First Supervised Training from Archives Science at UFSC realized at the company SERCONFIS Accounting Advice S/S, which resulted in a proposal about an internal politics manual to the institution archive.  The activities were directed to the acquis of the current and semi-current records of the archive department.  For the construction of the manual, we collected information on: the hierarchical structure of SERCONFIS; the relations between the archive and the other sectors of the company; the activities that develops the file; documentary typologies and method for archiving documents. The conclusion about the SERCONFIS archive has definite processes and emphasizes the importance of legal deadlines for archival and accounting activities.


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Author Biography

Renata Ventura, Curso de Graduação em Arquivologia - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina

Estudante do Curso de Graduação em Arquivologia - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina


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How to Cite

Ventura, R. (2014). Supervised Training in Current and Semi-Current Records at the Company SERCONFIS Accounting Advice S/S: Proposed Internal Politics Manual. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 24(48), 351–360. Retrieved from



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