Teaching Paleography in the Course of Archival Science at the Federal University of Santa Catarina: Through the Methodology and Transcription of Letters, Documents of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Santa Catarina
rchival Science, Paleographic Transcriptions, Access to InformationAbstract
Abstract: Paleography covers the history of writing, the evolution of letters, as well as the media of the writing and the instruments to write. This paper aims to describe the teaching of Paleography in the course of Archival Science at the Federal University of Santa Catarina, through the methodology and transcription of letters, documents of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Santa Catarina, emphasizing the importance of this discipline for the professional training of the archivist. The discipline of Paleography aims to develop and expand the student’s ability in understanding ancient texts. With this objective, the discipline emphasizes the practice of reading and editing texts, by developing specific techniques for transcribing documents. The procedure of transcribing documents, the difficulties in the task of transcribing it, and the final result – which values even more a manuscript document from the knowledge of its writing, way of writing and its content will be presented. For this activity letters of the documental fund of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Santa Catarina – IHGSC - were transcribed.
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