The scientific production of the UNAM - Managua represented on Web of Science (2004-september 2014)


  • Erick Manuel Tardencilla Marenco Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicarágua ( UNAN-Managua)


Scientific Production, Bibliometrics, National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAM)


This work uses bibliometric indicators of activity and the impact of co-authorship to analyze the articles published in the National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNAN-Managua), represented in the Web of Science (WOS), in the period of 2004 to September 2014. A literature review discusses the indicators of science and scientific evaluation and production. Articles are located in three different bases within the WOS, which belong to Web of Science Home Collection, INSPEC and MEDLINE in fifteen thematic areas: Public Occupational and Environmental Health; Environmental Sciences; Geology; Nursing; Dentistry; Medicine; Veterinary; Pharmacy; Preclinical Sciences; Materials Science; Oceanography; Nuclear Engineering; Geophysics; Biomedical Engineering: and Biophysics. All production is made up of a sample of 67 articles, produced by the research units of the university. The production of the UNAM-Managua is mostly journal articles and a minority of conference papers, with an annual average growth rate of 10.2%. Most of them are recorded in English in journals of impact. A paper was highly cited, written in English and published with international collaboration of institutions from other countries. It is shown that the scientific production of the UNAM-Managua is aimed to develop international collaboration, and that co-authoring presents the most prevalent average of five authors per paper.


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Author Biography

Erick Manuel Tardencilla Marenco, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Nicarágua ( UNAN-Managua)

Licenciado en Ciencias de la Computación en la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Nicaragua (UNAN-MANAGUA) 2000-2005.

Master en Bibliotecas Digitales en la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid- 2011-2012. Doctorando en Documentación y Archivos con entornos en Bibliotecas Digitales-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid-2013-2015.


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How to Cite

Marenco, E. M. T. (2015). The scientific production of the UNAM - Managua represented on Web of Science (2004-september 2014). ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 25(50), 191–220. Retrieved from


