A conceptual relationship between archives and memory center´s


  • Fernanda Monteiro Araújo UNIRIO - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro


Archives, Documentation Center, Memory, History


The article in question presents a reflective analysis about the social importance gained over the historical process known institutions titled archives and memory centers. The goal is to think about the relationship between both institutions trying to understand and explain this relationship from the core activities of each one and not the nature of the custody documents. However we argue that according to the concepts of information, memory and archives governing the activities and missions of the two institutions, this relationship is becoming closer. The ideas presented have as an object of analysis the Documentation Centre of Memory and Union CUT - CUT CEDOC within the research developed in the doctoral thesis entitled " The Central Workers Union (CUT ) and its Archives: The importance of documentation in the process construction of memory (1983-2003) . " By analyzing the CEDOC CUT from its denomination documentation center will try to see if it CEDOC CUT could also be recognized as archive.


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Author Biography

Fernanda Monteiro Araújo, UNIRIO - Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Historiadora (UFRJ) e Arquivista (UNIRIO), mestre em História Social pela UFRJ, doutorando em Memória Social pela UNIRIO. Professora da Escola de Arquivologia da UNIRIO.


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How to Cite

Araújo, F. M. (2015). A conceptual relationship between archives and memory center´s. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 25(50), 5–18. Retrieved from https://agora.emnuvens.com.br/ra/article/view/538


