The Archivist as informational resources management: a reflection about the new management model


  • Jorge Santa Anna Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)


Information Management, Knowledge Management, Tacit Knowledge, Modern File, Archival Management


The impacts from modern society reflect numerous changes in the context of organizations, in the face of increased competition and resulting instabilities of a globalized and innovative market. For these be performed successfully it is necessary, a priori, the effective management of information with a view to generating new knowledge, a process that enables competitive advantages for the company and only takes place if there is precisely participation of people. Thus, this article discusses the management of information and its consolidation in knowledge management, highlighting the role of the archivist in this file and process. Evidence based literature Administration, the characteristics of information on companies and their transfer into organizational knowledge. Features, based on the literature Archivist, inserting file and archivist in the process of information transfer in the generation of knowledge, highlighting its contribution to knowledge management in modern organizations. At the end, the results found that the archivist is a professional with more responsibility in managing knowledge in organizations, working together with other information professionals, as manager of information resources, standing as an intermediary between information and explicit aggregation to tacit knowledge, enabling the construction of innovations. 


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Author Biography

Jorge Santa Anna, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)

Professor do Departamento de Biblioteconomia da Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES). Discente do curso de Arquivologia da Ufes e bolsista deIniciação Científica.


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How to Cite

Santa Anna, J. (2015). The Archivist as informational resources management: a reflection about the new management model. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 25(51), 77–100. Retrieved from


