TDIC as a mediator in the process of Teaching and Learning Archival


  • Fabiana Fagundes Fontana Federal University of Santa Maria
  • André Zanki Cordenonsi Federal University of Santa Maria


Technology, Teaching and learning, Archival.


Search It is with this research study some educational software available on the web and check how fit and can facilitate the learning and teaching of archival science, through its applicability in the subjects currently offered in the course of archival science UFSM. For the need of renovation of methodological strategies of teaching and learning of archival science course at the UFSM, is sought through technological mediation facilitate this process, making it fun and compatible with the current information society. Thus, five educational software and by analyzing the same check their relevance and pertinence to aid the teaching-learning of archival science will be selected, listing how and in which courses may be used.


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Author Biographies

Fabiana Fagundes Fontana, Federal University of Santa Maria

Masters in Documentary Heritage and archivist formed by Archival Course of the Federal University of Santa Maria. Has experience in Information Science, with an emphasis on Archival, acting on the following topics: digitization, digital preservation, archival instruments, cultural, documentary heritage, electronic management of archival documents and research on open source software in use applied for the archival science digital technologies applied to the learning of Archival.

André Zanki Cordenonsi, Federal University of Santa Maria

Associate professor at the Federal University of Santa Maria. He serves on the Professional Masters in Cultural Heritage and Professional Master's in Public Administration, both from UFSM. He is currently the Coordinator UAB / UFSM, working with the Educational Technology Center. Graduated in Computer Science from Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (1996), master's degree in Computer Science from Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (2000) and PhD in Computer Science in Education from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul (2008)


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How to Cite

Fagundes Fontana, F., & Zanki Cordenonsi, A. (2015). TDIC as a mediator in the process of Teaching and Learning Archival. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 25(51), 101–131. Retrieved from


