A visit to the portal of transparency of João Pessoa prefecture - PB, under the law of access to information and concepts of acessecibilidade and usability.
Transparency Portal, Access to Information Act, accessibility, usability Joao Pessoa, Paraíba – BrazilAbstract
In the present study, the authors conducted exploratory research on the Municipality Transparency Portal of João Pessoa - PB, with the theoretical basis the Access to Information Act and the criteria for accessibility and usability. The work brings to light the theoretical concepts of accessibility and usability, as well as the criteria established by Law No. 12,159 / 2011 on the provision of public information, their actions and projects and the requirements that transparency portals should consider when building your virtual interfaces on the Internet. It was found that the quality attributed to the Portal of the City of João Pessoa in the survey of the Institute for Socioeconomic Studies - INESC - which measured the quality of the country's transparency portal is relevant, as its usability lives up to the positioning in the search quality because its interface shows concern for understanding of the information, and meet virtually all requirements of the law in question, falling short only on the issue of accessibility for people with disabilities.
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