Indexing to information recovery in archives: an initial approach


  • Mariane Costa Pinto National Archive


Information Retrieval, Indexing Policy, Vocabulary Control, Archival Documents, Documents


Indexing is the representation of documents' content through transcription of natural language to documentary language. Elaborating procedures of indexing in which criterias will be used by the indexers is necessary to the development of this activity. These procedures must consider the infrastructure of the organization or company, its human resources and its users. The final instruments resulted from the indexing process can be lists of subject headings, thesauri or controlled vocabularies. This control directly involves the archival description and organization, due its consistent appointment to the access points that lead to documents information. Although it is typically applied to bibliographic documents, the process of indexing gained importance in Archival Science meanwhile archival documents acquired diversity in gender and in content. To obtain a consistent indexation and application on archives, some procedures must be adopted in order to avoid information repetition and inefficient results.


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How to Cite

Pinto, M. C. (2016). Indexing to information recovery in archives: an initial approach. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 26(52), 141–150. Retrieved from


