Experience of stage in archivology in the department of architecture and engineering of the Federal University of Santa Catarina
Internship, Archivology, Course of Archivology, University GraduateAbstract
This work shows the diffusion of vacancies through the Forum of the Academic Control System of the Graduation (CAGR) and of the portal of Interships of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. It presents the requests for internships held at the Course of Graduation in Archivology of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) through the SIARE system (Information Systems for Monitoring and Registration of Internships) and the documents generated from the entry to the final report. It also describes the non-mandatory supervised internship experience in Archivology at the Information Management Division (DGI) of the Department of Architecture and Engineering (DPAE) of UFSC along the years 2014-2015. It concludes that the internship experience is of paramount importance for professional training, allowing the contact of undergraduates with the future work market of the archivist, enabling the relation of the theoretical contents learned in class with its practical application in the daily professional and allowing the interdisciplinary interaction with professionals from other areas of activity.Downloads
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