Digital era and its impacts: visit, or not, the public archive?


  • Hercules Pimenta Santos Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais


Historical Research, Archivology, Permanent Archives, Digitization of Collections


The present research is the result of an interdisciplinary study that sought to elucidate the impacts found in the process of consultation and organization of the archival document of permanent, digitized. The study processes in Spain, as applied in Brazil, aimed the search for contrasts and approximations in relation to the procedures between the two academic traditions. For exploratory purposes, we gather testimony from archivists, documentalists and historians, Brazilians and Spaniards. The professionals interviewed were intentionally defined. The results obtained allowed us to infer that, in a controversial way, the benefits obtained with the virtualized collections can impact with pedagogical losses in the absence of the experience of going to the archive. The virtualisation of the permanent archives, with their remote availability through the Internet, results in an emptying of the Physical Archives. The option of the historians / researchers to stop going to the physical archives for their research may entail methodological limits to their investigations, as well as a lower destination of funds for such institutions, due to the significant reduction of the flow of in-person consultations.


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Author Biography

Hercules Pimenta Santos, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais

DOTI - Departamento de Organização e Tratamento da Informação


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How to Cite

Santos, H. P. (2018). Digital era and its impacts: visit, or not, the public archive?. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 28(57), 239–253. Retrieved from


