Expanding horizons: an experience of academic exchange in Mar Del Plata
Archivology, Academic exchange, Experience Report, Formation, ArgentinaAbstract
This article presents the activities developed in the academic exchange held at the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata – UNMdP, in Mar del Plata – Buenos Aires – Argentina, in the first semester of 2017. It describes the selection process, the procedures accepted at the university adaptation to the country and the activities carried out during the period. It shows the main projects carried out during the semester, such as the subjects taught in the Information Science area of the Faculty of Humanities of the Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata, the technical visits carried out in the information units of the city of Mar del Plata and the participated events. It tells the daily life of the city, in the face of the experiences and trips with other exchange students, with the purpose of knowing other realities through contact with people of other nationalities and with the inhabitants of the visited regions, allowing access to diverse cultures - mainly the argentina.Downloads
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