Report of experience in an archive in Germany



Germany, Archives of Lower Saxony, Gottingen, Documentary memory


This report discusses an experience report through an exchange in a German city called Göttingen, a district belonging to the state of Lower Saxony. It describes in general terms the Federal Archive of Germany (BUNDESARCHIV), the archives of the state of Lower Saxony (Niedersächsische Landesarchiv) and the archives of the city of Göttingen (Stadtarchiv), highlighting a work done in the background of a donated family the archive to the file to have relation with the city. The objective of the work is to present, through this professional experience, brief information about a challenging moment as an archivist and also aims to broaden the field of view about archives so singular and little mentioned in the Brazilian archival field, besides emphasizing the importance of the archives as memory. Being in contact with such sensitive documents in a country that breathes history in its different phases shows how important it is to take care of our documentary heritage to know and record our history and guarantee the future of our past.


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Author Biography

Maria Juliana Nunes da Silva, UFMG

Arquivista da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, formada na graduação pela Universidade de Brasília, mestrado em Ciência da Informação pela UFMG e esse ano ingressarei no doutorado também pela UFMG.


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How to Cite

Nunes da Silva, M. J. (2019). Report of experience in an archive in Germany. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 29(59), 1–12. Retrieved from



Experience report