Identification as archival function: brazilian scientific production and discussions


  • Sânderson Lopes Dorneles UEPB
  • Brunelly Santos Pereira da Silva UEPB


Archival identification, Archival functions, Scientific production


The identification in the last decade has been presented in the area of Archivology, as an archival function that uses Contemporary Diplomatic and Typological Document Analysis as a methodology. When thinking about document management, two functions often appear as unique and individualized: document evaluation and classification. However, there are other archival functions that integrate document handling, as far as relevant to document management, storage and access, such as identification. Archival identification has its own characteristics that facilitate the application of other functions, identifying the producer organ and its administrative activities, the documentary set to which it belongs and its composition. Thus, this article aims to: identify research and trends regarding the archival identification function, considering its performance in digital environment. As a methodological approach, an exploratory research was adopted with the qualitative and quantitative approach, using the bibliographic survey to measure the Brazilian scientific production on this function. From the results, it was concluded that the archival identification optimizes from the production of documents all the documentary treatment, in any phase of the three ages of the archive. As well as, it was found that the scientific production in relation to the archival identification function is still modest and concentrated in a researcher.


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Author Biographies

Sânderson Lopes Dorneles, UEPB

Graduado em Arquivologia pela UFSM e Mestre em Ciência da Informação pela UFPE

Professor no curso de Graduação em Arquivologia na UEPB e Arquivista do IFPB 

Orientador Projeto de Pesquisa Funções Arquivísticas em Ambiente Digital - PIBIC-UEPB (Cota 2017-2018)

Brunelly Santos Pereira da Silva, UEPB

Graduada em Arquivologia pela UEPB e Técnica em Redes de Computadores pelo IFPB

Bolsista Projeto de Pesquisa Funções Arquivísticas em Ambiente Digital - PIBIC-UEPB (Cota 2017-2018)


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How to Cite

Dorneles, S. L., & Silva, B. S. P. da. (2019). Identification as archival function: brazilian scientific production and discussions. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 30(60), 113–129. Retrieved from


