Social justice in Archival science: a literature review



Social justice. Archival science. Archival Ethics. Theoretical review. Archival journals


In recent years, the international archival literature has been dealing with the theme of social justice, as well as its relationships, applications, and implications. However, this presence has not been observed in the scientific literature of the area in Brazil. In this context, given the lack of scientific production in Brazil on the theme of social justice in archives. This article presents a theoretical discussion on the application of social justice in international archival studies. Therefore, a theoretical and descriptive study is carried out, based on a literature review in three important archival journals: Archivaria, The American Archivist, and Archival Science, from 2000 to 2018. The results demonstrate that social justice in archives is directly linked to the recognition of marginalized communities and reparation in cases of dictatorship, abandonment, and violation of human rights. In addition, a re-examination of the theoretical and conceptual bases of Archival science, as well as the ethical values ​​of the professional archivist, are also present in the discussion, in addition to the approximation of critical theories such as the feminist-based ethics of care and the critical theory of race.


Author Biographies

Natália Bolfarini Tognoli, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Professora Adjunta no Departamento de Ciência da Informação e no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal Fluminense, UFF. 


Gustavo Maçulo de Queiroz Rocha, Universidade Federal Fluminense

Bacharel em Arquivologia pela Universidade Federal Fluminense, UFF

Chefe da Divisão de Documentação da Secretaria de Estado de Planejamento e Gestão do Rio de Janeiro.


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How to Cite

Bolfarini Tognoli, N., & Maçulo de Queiroz Rocha, G. (2021). Social justice in Archival science: a literature review. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 31(63), 1–23. Retrieved from


