Non-verbal communication in “mask time” in the context of the file professional
Comunicação não verbal, Cinésica, Paralinguagem, Proxemia, ArquivistaAbstract
The archivist, a professional responsible for document management, also assumes managerial functions such as group coordination, conflict resolution, interpersonal relationships, which require communicative skills. Communication depends on verbal and non-verbal languages in order to be effective. Considered as a mediator of information, of the document, the professional needs to be able to understand the various forms of body expressions, either those of its users or those of its own. In this line of reasoning, the aim was to highlight the importance of non-verbal communication, such as gestures, intonations and the use of space in the actions of the archivist. Nowadays, with the need to use facial masks and maintain distance due to Covid-19, it becomes even more necessary to investigate gestures in the archival context. Through bibliographic study, without temporal or media delimitation, the close relationship between the success of interaction and knowledge about non-verbal codes in the professional environment has been verified. The scarcity of productions regarding archival practice from a non-verbal point of view was also highlighted. In conclusion, it is suggested that the non-verbal communication of the archival professional be a focus of study and attention together with the technical and scientific knowledge that sustain the profession.
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