Identification of informational flows: contributions to knowledge management



Information management , Knowledge management, Flow of information, Process mapping


Understanding the organizational universe in which we operate is essential to manage information and capture knowledge, generating new knowledge and information relevant to organizations. In this context, information management through information flows and their contributions to boost knowledge management stands out.  Notwithstanding the knowledge management has as one of the focuses to capture and record the knowledge of individuals, to make them available generating new knowledge, through its management. In view of the above, the question-problem of this research arises: what contributions can the identification of information flows provide to knowledge management? Identifying the contributions of identifying informational flows is the general guiding objective of this research. For this purpose, bibliographic research was used in the main databases of Information Science, such as the Database of Research in Information Science and renowned journals of Administration Science. With that, several articles were found that make up the theoretical framework, as well as other relevant consulted works. As a main result, it is highlighted that in the identification of informational flows, another activity is also carried out: the registration of this process, since everything that the employee performs must be included in the design with the informational flow.


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How to Cite

Almeida, M. F. I. de ., de Biaggi, C., & Vitoriano, . M. C. de C. P. . (2021). Identification of informational flows: contributions to knowledge management. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 31(63), 1–11. Retrieved from



Seção Especial - II Seminário Nacional de Governança Arquivística