Proposal for the implementation of RDC-Arq in the Government of the State of Espírito Santo
Digital preservation, Systemic digital preservation, Model OAIS, Trusted digital archival repositories, InteroperabilityAbstract
Digital transformation represents a major challenge in restructuring, not only processes, but also the organizational culture of institutions. The impacts caused by this digital transformation have been a source of great interest, especially among the scientific community. In this sense, the general objective of this work is to present a proposal for a model for implementing a Trusted Digital Archival Repository
(TDAR), in the context of the Government of the State of Espírito Santo. This is an applied research, with descriptive research objectives, using a qualitative approach and bibliographical and documentary research procedures. The main results of the research are to present the main aspects for the implementation of an RDC-Arq, in the context of systemic digital preservation, based on the guidelines of Conarq Resolution nº 43 of 2015, which were based on the ISO 16363:2012 Standard and the ISO 14721:2012 standard; present a model for implementing a RDC-Arq, identifying its main stages, based on Conarq Resolution nº 43 of 2015 and applying the model for implementing a RDC-Arq to the context of the Government of the State of Espírito Santo. It is concluded that the implementation of an RDC-Arq, thought of in isolation, without considering the management environment, the access environment, and the integration of these environments with the preservation environment, does not fully fulfill its role, which is to guarantee the authenticity (identity and integrity), confidentiality, availability and preservation of these documents and that there is still a need for many studies in the area.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Tânia Barbosa Salles Gava, Rosemery Araújo Xavier, Margarete Farias de Moraes, Daniel Flores
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