Management of administrative processes of HR: indications of the need for adoption of the notion of archivistic governance in the municipal public sphere


  • Ana Paula dos Santos Ramos Mestranda do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciência da Informação da Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA), Brasil.


Document management, Information management, Municipal public archival institution, Administrative processes, Archival governance


Society is constantly changing, and technology has changed the form of consumption, relationships, behavior of individuals, the production processes, and services of organizations. The public sphere was also directly affected by these changes, as technology demands from these institutions and their managers, adopting new attitudes and actions in the development of their activities. This study analyzed the context of production, use and processing of HR administrative processes of the Municipality of Camaçari-BA through interviews with the actors involved in these activities, analyzing the results from the perspective of document management. From the results it was identified the lack of implementation of public archival policies and non-execution of archival document management activities, both under the responsibility of the Municipal Public Archival Institution. The results emphasize that the creation of these institutions without a proper understanding of their functions and without offering the necessary structure for the development of their activities will not cause changes in the current scenario of the city. The research points as a suggestion for changing this scenario the adoption of the notion of archival governance as a propeller of new paths and new perspectives on the protagonism of Municipal Public Archival Institutions.


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How to Cite

Ramos, A. P. dos S. (2021). Management of administrative processes of HR: indications of the need for adoption of the notion of archivistic governance in the municipal public sphere. ÁGORA: Arquivologia Em Debate, 31(63), 1–15. Retrieved from



Seção Especial - II Seminário Nacional de Governança Arquivística