About the Journal

The first issue of the Revista Ágora: Arquivologia em debate was published in 1985, as an initiative of the Association of Friends of the Public Archive of the State of Santa Catarina. The Department of Information Science at the Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina assumed responsibility for the editorial process and publication of the journal in digital format in 2011.

Current Issue

Vol. 34 No. 69 (2024)
Published: 2024-07-01


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The ÁGORA journal focuses on the area of ​​Archival Science, publishing original and unpublished works that deal with Archive Management, Digital Archives, Information Technology applied to archives, Information Science, Documentation, Paleography, Diplomatics, History, and Sociology applied to archives.

Published in 1985, it is edited by the team of the Department of Information Science at the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC), every six months.

Submissions are received in a continuous flow in Portuguese and Spanish and evaluated according to the type of work to be published in the sections: articles, reviews, experience reports, Final paper.

The journal provides open and immediate access to content that is available online.

*In the evaluation of 2013/2016, the Ágora received quadrennium from its peers through the CAPES collection, the Qualis strata in the areas: Communication and Information B1; History B2; Interdisciplinary B3; Public and Business Administration, Accounting Sciences and Tourism B4; Teaching B4; B5 Education; Linguistics and Literature B5; Political Science and International Relations B5.


Indexing is a priority for the editorial team, as we understand that giving visibility to authors who have chosen Ágora to publish their work is essential. The texts edited and published in the journal can be accessed, in addition to the system, in the following indexes: Google Scholar, DRJIEZB Electronic Journals LibraryGenamics Journal SeekINFOBILA,  La Criée: Periodiques en ligneLatindex, LivRe!, OAJI.net,  PKP, and Sumários.Org.